Tuesday 30 March 2010

\"home\" talk at AirSpace

Last weekend I went to a talk at AirSpace Gallery in Stoke on Trent. It was a talk about the exhibition that has just ended \"home\" and included the curator Rachel Marsden, two artists from the show Chinmoyi Patel and Kashif Nadim Chaudry and David Schischka-Thomas the Senior Curator at the New Art Exchange.

The talk was mostly focused on the idea of 'home' and what that is. Though the most interesting part of the discussion for me was about Chinmoyi Patel's art work. Her piece for the exhibition 'B.P. & S.P.' is a pair of head phones hanging on an orange wall. When you listen to the audio you hear, as she described it, her grandmother telling stories that she used to tell Chinmoyi as a child. Whilst these stories are told Chinmoyi speaks about the memories that these stories evoke.

'B.P. & S.P. specifically examines how memories are formed during childhood then remembered as adults. It is about retaining a certain feeling or emotion, rather than the explicit details and particulars. Patel is fascinated to see how one's mind then tries to fill in these blanks - reality merges with fantasy to form a rich and multi-layered narrative.'

This reminds me of work that I was creating about a year ago, where I was discussing the labyrinth of memories that builds up in our mind through our lifetime, one memory triggering a seemingly unrelated one causing a chain of memories. It also hints at the idea that two people can remember the same event in such a way that it sounds like two completely different events.

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