Saturday 21 November 2009

If I write in yellow

What would happen..

I wonder what would happen if I tried to spray everything yellow. If I tried to keep everything for just that little bit longer. Would it work? Or would I still not be able to see anything, as everything would be yellow?

Monday 9 November 2009

You Are Not Lost

Thursday 5 November 2009


I went back to the dementia care home this week. I found it a lot easier than the previous time. We worked with some of the same residents, but I don’t think they remembered. There were new people too, one quite aggressive, but I think I’m kind of used to it because of visiting my Grandfather. My Grandfather isn’t aggressive, but you do get used to all kinds of behaviour because of the people staying at the same home.

I’ve started to read David Shenk’s ‘The Forgetting’, I could quote it all it’s so good. I have read it before, but I didn’t realise until I got about a quarter of the way through. My partner likes to joke that I have mild dementia; I suppose it is not unrealistic to suggest that I could unconsciously be developing the symptoms that I’m reading about. But I have always been easily distracted.

I think I'm Obsessing

A: ‘I was travelling on the train the other day and spotted a crumpled up chewing gum wrapper that had been left on the table in front of me. I started to think about how far the wrapper had travelled, how long had it been there? Who had sat next to it? What conversations had it witnessed? Who had left it there? I rather poetically began to think that the answers to all of these questions are captured in the folds of the wrapper.

I took the wrapper and put it in my pocket. But then started to feel guilty, that I was somehow preventing it from completing its journey. I decided to put it back. When I got off the train and put my hand in my pocket it was still there, I had forgotten.’

B: ‘But it’s rubbish! Isn’t it?’